4 ene 2017


¡Trae novas o inverno!
Co inicio do ano novo estreamos páxina de Facebook: “Amair", unha historia na que levamos un tempo traballando e que previsiblemente verá a luz ao longo deste 2017.
Iremos mostrándovos bosquexos do traballo de deseño, algúns descartes, referencias que usamos e todo o que vaiamos xerando (sen destripar a historia) como antesala da edición.

 "Pasou tanto tempo que case todo o que coñeces quedou atrás. 
As ansias de algúns por matar, non.
Amair quere comezar unha nova vida xusto cando a morte se cruza no seu camiño.
Mais ese non é o final.
É só o principio."

Kike Benlloch e Luis Sendón

Winter carries news!
As the new year begins we launch a brand new Facebook page for "Amair", a project we've been working on for some time now and which probably will be released throughout 2017.
We'll be showing you sketches of the design process, some scraps, references we've used and a little bit of everything we generate (avoiding spoilers) as the run-up to the comic itself being published.

"It's been so long that everything that you know has been left behind.
The eagerness of some to kill remains intact, though.
Amair wants to start a new life when death crosses her path.
But that's not the end.
It's just the beginning."

Kike Benlloch & Luis Sendón

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